Saturday, February 21, 2009

His Voice and purpose:D

Hi guys:)

Recently,I'm reminded by God bout many things...esp last night's prayer meeting....
As i was playing synthesizer on stage... God kept reminding me to follow the cross and truly step out from my comfort zone to do something great and mighty for him.

If we don't bother to even step out from our comfort zone, I'm sure people out there wouldn't have the chance to know bout Jesus.

Beside that,I was reminded of not just focusing on the world or even other things in life but truly let God be the center of our Focus.
At times, we may tend to put other things as the focus in our life and literally put God aside..but u know what??

God is just so faithful. Even when u didn't bother to care bout Him,He still remain faithful and continue to call you to come back to your 1st love.

Guys, i believe when you get a chance to experience God's love in your life, it will be the greatest thing and the greatest purpose you're on this planet earth.
What we can do is just look at the cross and follow....follow and follow and follow...

God will lead us to the right path...Do not worry because He's our provider and he'll never leave us nor forsake us. He'll lead the way and we'll just follow him.

Put our trust in Him!!!Even at times when trials come, we still have to stand firm. Testing and trials are indeed great blessing from God. Through these, We'll Grow in our spiritual life and even maturity.

So, I'll ask myself...What's next Angie??
What i wanna do next to expand the kingdom of God. And also be the salt and light outside the world,so that people will know , My God is REAL...

I praise God for my Grandma's Salvation too!!!She accepted Christ just now...This is one of the blessings God gave to my just One of the BLESSINGSSSS....I'm thankful to God for every aspects of my life. I may not be talented or perfect but i know, God loves me and have great plans for me.:D

SO jia you bah!!!Great things ahead!!I'll trust God in my studies!!;)

that's all from me.....gonna sleep!!hehe

With love,

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